I have an Hp with: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+, 2gig Ram, NVIDEA GeForce 7300 Le. I want to upgrade the vid card with the fastest possible compatibility with my system. I am having trouble researching it on my own. There looks like there may be a clearance issue as well. As there are heat sinks on the motherboard which are very close to the original small card. Also, it appears there are 2 cards. One with the monitor out and a second with s-vid, coax out. (came with XP Media Center now has 7installed). I believe it is a PCI-E slot. But, I dont know what kind...x16? Any help will be greatly appreciated. I added some pics if that helps.
which 1 in this link is yours? http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/pfinder?lc=en&dlc=en&cc=ca&tool=&query=media+center+pc+m7000#N401 the bottom card is your tv card so you can watch cable tv on your computer.
I believe it is this one. It says m7000. However there is no kr after it. The system # is: EX332AA http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?product=468168&lc=en&cc=ca&dlc=en&lang=en&cc=ca
Motherboard Specifications link http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/...ry&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=ca&lang=en&product=3189598 Product Specifications link http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/...ry&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=ca&lang=en&product=3189598 what does it say for total wattage on the side of the psu? what is your budget?
Those are good links. Definitely my system. The power supply has a 300wat max. If I can find something for around $100 that would be great. Although, I could go up to 150 or so if it's worth it. My current monitor is only 1280x1024 60hz, so I realize some cards may be an overkill. However, I do plan on upgrading to a better monitor soon.
when looking at videocards, check to see what wattage they require as you might have to upgrade your psu.
Most cards I looked at did need a good amount of power. Upgrading the psu should be pretty easy. I'm just not sure the which cards will work properly with this system. In other words I don't want to buy an expensive card that will not be utilized to its full potential in my current system. That's where I'm having the issues. I don't know the limitations of the CPU and any other factors that would come into play. This is the first time I've ever upgraded anything on any PC...
it really depends on the games\programs requirements as cpu speed is good tho you might need to upgrade your ram depending on your windows 32\64 bit version.
I have win7 ultimate 32 bit. I think I can only use 3.3g of ram with my os. I just want to play the newer games. Even old games like COD4 i have to play on almost the lowest settings. Thanks for responding. So, if you were me would you just go for a mid-level card since my pc is 3+ years old?
your current card only has 64meg of ram on it which explains why you have problems with it. find out what the newer games want for a videocard hopefully without a psu upgrade & go with that.
Thanks ddp. I'll look into it closer now. Those links were helpful. Didn't realize my card was that low. I can probably get something I'll be happy with for around $75 I'd think.