Need alittle help

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by atb1102, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. atb1102

    atb1102 Guest

    How do I burn two movies to a single disc. Such as American Pie and the bonus disc. Is there a way to combine the two into one file so they will burn to one disc? I have the following programs:
    DVDFab platinum
    dvd decrypter
    dvd shrink 3.2
    dvdfab decrypter
    Yes a lot of programs but sometimes I need these to copy movies. Usally shrink and clonedvd2 is all I use.

    Any suggestions or guides?
  2. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Hello atb1102.

    DVD Remake will do it and keep the menus from both disks if that's what you want to do.

    I might add that combining everything onto a DVD5 will likely result in some very poor video quality. Depending on the size of the bonus disk, combining onto a DVD9 could result in very poor quality as well.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2006
  3. atb1102

    atb1102 Guest

    So combining dvd titles is really not the best way to go then.
  4. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    The studios put each on separate disks to maintain video quality. If you try to cram both onto a single DVD5, the loss in quality would be very noticeable, even if it were possible. There is a limit to compression technology.

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