Hi I am Fernando Martinez... I recorded from a tape to a DV file. I used Studio9 to view my recorded DV file on the TV. I wanted to compare same scene both on the tape and the dv, so I first put the tape in the scene I wanted to compare and press stop then went to the same time on the dv. I then pressed play on the tape and view it for 5 seconds looking at the details, then viewed the dv file on the same tv for 5 seconds and it was clear there was some detail lose, it wasn't exactly as on the tape even though I was using UHF for the TV and s-video for the canopus input... the tape is only VHS. Does anyone know a better codec or method to transfer my tapes to the computer having all the details?
A better method would be if you can use digital passthrough on your camcorder. If it has this feature than record from the VCR straight to the miniDV tape. There should not be any noticible loss of quality and the new HDV camcorders are actually using miniDV tapes.
My SLV-R1000 doesn't have firewire it was made in 1993. Maybe it has an HDTV connections somewhere... Can I use its BNC connectors?
The VCR doesn't need firewire just a normal composite or S-Video output. You plug that output into the camcorder and choose video in instead of out in the Camcorders settings.