Need help burning XBOX 360 "RAW" ISO pls

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Biggie420, Feb 8, 2007.

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  1. Biggie420

    Biggie420 Guest

    I recently modded my 360 and need a little help burning "backups" I have downloaded. I have A DL burner and DL disks and have successfully burned 1 game so far using XBC. The problem is that some games come as 1 file, just an image. I think I am lacking a file that could be called a .bin file or a DVD file or some type of Que. If anyone could pls tell me what these are and if I can create one for myself I would be greatly appreciative. If this is a stupid question pls be patient with me I am new to the whole tech scene and have mucho respect for u guys. Thanks in advance dudes.
  2. JThomas05

    JThomas05 Guest

    quit posting everywhere
  3. Jannejt

    Jannejt Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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