The game is Need For Speed High Pursuit2. I hope this is in the right place to ask this Q? I've tried alcahol 120% & CDClone and both produce a disc. When I try and load the game, it starts, copies files , then when you click start/play, It comes up with a message, CD not found, remove & put back in, then click ok. Im using a Toshiba SD-R5372 burner, Ritek 48X CD-R's etc. What am I doing wrong & direct me on where or how to accomplish this.
try using different blank cds. if ur cd burner came with buning software like roxio use that or you can use
so does it work after you put it back in? Probably copy protection. Download a program called aray scanner and see what copy protection it has. Then configure A120 accordingly for ripping and burning.