I'm sorry if this topic has been addressed before... I have DVD X Copy Xpress verion 3.2.1. I purchased it last November and had not done any updates. Last week I reformatted my computer and today I reinstalled X Copy. Now it is promting me for my License ID and Password. I am typing in the ID and password that came with the program...the same ID and password that I used 10 months ago when I purchased it. I am getting an error message that the server cannot be reached. I have disabled my antivirus and firewall but still get the same message. I know 321 Studios has been shut down so does this mean I am screwed? Can I not reactivate? I hope someone can help...thanks.
You'll have to call ... sorry Europe Technical Support & Software Activation Phone: +353-61-702078 (Ireland)* Time: 8:30-17:30 GMT (17:00 Friday) *English, Deutsch, Français, Española, Portuguese