Need help opening a downloaded program w/ XP

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by ZCG, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. ZCG

    ZCG Member

    Jul 14, 2007
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    Dear Moderator/s my questions here are soley Windows XP oriented & have nothing to do with a game console (specifically PSP). Please do not become confused & move my question to an incorrect area of the forums. I'm only asking for help in opening a computer program. I am not asking anything at all about how to use that program once it is opened (now THAT would belong in another area of the forums ;-)

    Thank you so much :)

    I use Windows XP SP2 and have run into a problem I've never experienced before. I'm unable to get a download to actually run. At best I get an "Error" message & the program shuts down. Half the time nothing happens at all when I try to run it.

    I'm wondering if the program was created with the newer Vista OS...would that make the program incompatible with my XP system?

    I'd really appreciate it if people using XP would download the program in question & try to run it. Then let me know if you got it to work & how you did that. Or, let me know if you just get an error like I did.

    Here is a link to the page that describes the program as well as the option to download it:
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2007
  2. mrcapdown

    mrcapdown Regular member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    well i just tryed it in vista and it worked fine
    ive upgraed my psp to 3.71 the old fashion way and to be honset it is easy
  3. ZCG

    ZCG Member

    Jul 14, 2007
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    Thanks so much for trying it. The program must have been created with Vista, but wasn't made compatible with XP. Which is weird & really sucks. There are waaaaay more computers running XP than Vista right now.

    I agree that upgrading to 3.71 M33 is pretty easy even without the "Easy Installer". I did it too & it wasn't a problem at all. Quick too.

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