sorry in advance for my noobieness. I have a movie downloaded on to my cpu. cd1 and cd2 after I extracted cd1 and cd2 i was left with cd1 | cd2 bin file | bin file 606497kb | 623538kb cd1 | cd2 note: cue file | cue file the cue files have the media 1kb | 1kb player symbol on them but they are only 1kb now what do I need to do in order to watch this movie on my cpu or put it on a disk to watch. Thank you much for your expertness.
my post got all mess up some how oh well. I manage to convert bin files to play on my windows media player I have both cd1 and cd2 playable. I converted them to mpeg now how do I covert those to play on my dvd player using 1 dvd r disk