Need Help Please.Problem with burning.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by shooter, Jun 5, 2004.

  1. shooter

    shooter Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    This is a weird one that I just cant figure out. Hopefully someone else has encountered it, and has solved it already.
    I have been burning GO4 disks at 4X now for over 80 burns. Now all of a sudden, EVERY time I try to burn a disk at 4X on my Pioneer 105 burner, I get a "failed to burn" error.
    I use Nero 6.1 with the newest updates, and as I said, I have burned over 80 disks at 4X now, with NO problems at all, prior to this. Now, the last 12-15 I have burned have had to be at 2X or it will not work.
    It does NOT make a coaster out of the disk when it fails..I can just put it back in, and knock it down to 2X, and the burn will proceed, and work fine when it is done.
    This one really has me stumped. I have not added any new hardware, or software to the computer. I also thought it might be a bad frag, so I pulled both hard drives, and reformatted both of them to blanks, and reloaded all my system back on them, and tried it again. After almost 2 days of work reloading programs, etc..still the same outcome.
    A nyone have any idea why it would all of a sudden stop burning at 4X and only burn at 2X or 1X? When nothing has been CHANGED at all on it?
    Thank you for your help.
    PS> System specs. 2.8 gig PIV, 512 megs of RDRAM 32bit, dual 120 gig hard drives in RAID 1 config, Pioneer 105 RW, and Light On DVD-ROM. DVD shrink, DvD Decryptor, DVD43 for free, I built the system myself, so it is not a store bought machine.
    Thanks again for your help.
  2. 321sucker

    321sucker Regular member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    Try this..........

    Go to Device manager> IDE ATAPI controllers>
    Check the 1st and secondary IDE controller. One at a time, please.
    This is how.
    Double click the 1st IDE controller, now under the advanced tab,
    be sure the transfer mode is at DMA if available.
    If not, change it to that.
    Do the same for the 2nd controller.
    Then reboot.
    If this doesnt change the transfer mode to DMA, then you will have to uninstall the IDE controllers.
    Right click the IDE controller and left click uninstall.
    Also uninstall your burner using the same method, right click the burner and left click unistall.
    You can do this for both. Then reboot. Xp will automatically reinstall them and this should fix the slow burn issue.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2004
  3. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    This means that your 4X attempts are not putting anything at all on the blank disc.
    I'm suprised that you are not getting a power calibration error.
    It might be time to get the burner cleaned, tested or replaced.
    I sure would like to see a burn log, can you post one?
    That will tell you if you have DMA enabled too.

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer
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    Last edited: Jun 5, 2004
  4. shooter

    shooter Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    "I sure would like to see a burn log, can you post one?"
    I dont mean to sound like the boob I am :) , but I have never used a burn log before. So I have no idea of what you speak..? If you let me know, I will be happy to do so however.
    As for the DMA settings, they are both set properly. (Ultra DMA when possible on them both, and have been since I built the machine.) I did recheck just to be sure, and they were still set correctly.
    So I guess it is just time to pick up a new burner huh? I was hoping to wait until the dual layer burners became more common, and came down in price a tad first. As this one has worked so well since I bought it, I had planned to switch it over to my 1.5 gig machine, and put a new dual layer burner in this one. I guess I will be doing so sooner than I expected.
    Thank you for all your help. This is a great forum and the people on it are great as well. Many thanks.
  5. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Hi Shooter,
    When you use Nero look for a couple of buttons at the end of the burn process. One will say save log the other will say print log. I think you only see these if you open Nero to burn with, IE, you are not doing the Shrink/Nero auto burn thing. I used to print them out but they take about 4 to 6 pages. Now I just save them in my documents. I've got a folder named "Nero burn logs". I just name them with the date and type of media I used. So you basically just copy and paste the thing into your post, just be sure to remove your Nero registration number.

    I have a Sony DRU-700A thats working OK, I put my Pioneer A-07 back in until I can get some double layer media. Should be soon I hope. is listing Verbatim DL, but no firm ship dates yet. Americal has it too. Five for $29.00, shipping after June 30th, according to this:

    Sony has a listing for 1 Verbatim DVD +R DL in a jewel case for 14.99, I think with about $5.00 for shipping. I don't think I want to spend that much. I'm probably going to make coasters out of a couple anyhow, but not at $20.00 ea!

    I kinda figured you didn't have a DMA problem but it sure doesn't hurt to check. I'm not exactly convinced there is anything wrong with the 105. Sure is looking that way though. You need a new burner in your new computer anyhow!

  6. jonusry

    jonusry Guest

    It could be a suspect batch of media. I use ritek and prodisc. Love both. If you want to make effortless copies, listen up. All you need is dvd decrypter and Intervideo dvd copy(around 20 bucks). Rip your disc with decrypter, then open intervideo dvd copy, point it to the folder, click burn and get ready for a perfect burn every time. Compresses and does episodes. I've tried every other program, method, procedure. I telling you, i've made a hundred copies so far on different machines - this is the nuts! I dare anyone to prove me wrong.
  7. shooter

    shooter Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    Thanks for the advice on the method, but I have never had any problems with GO4 media in the past. As you said, you have burned over a 100 copies using your set up, well my friend, I have burned to date 335 copies using this one..and only in the last 30 disks or so has this problem come up.
    I doubt it is a media problem, as I have not heard anyone else having problems with the GO4 disks, and they are from two different batches that I have used. The last 5 or 6 of the last batch of 50 I bought, and the new batch of 50 is doing the same thing. So I would have to guess it is a problem with something other than the media. Considering the way it occurred all at one time, and does not come and go, even with the new media I just got. But again, that is just a guess on my part. You could be right.
    Hey fastfrank, thanks for the info on making the burn logs. I will start keeping them when I do my next burn. I try to get around to them every couple of days, when I have the time. I will post the results when I get them. One question however, as they are pretty long, should I still post them here? Or is there a different site they use for that purpose? (I just didn’t want to take up too much of their space is all.) :)
    As for the price of the dual disks..I agree, I would not burn them either. Not until the price of them come down a LOT!! I am happy with shrink, and the results as it is. A TV only displays at 640X480 or so even at 50% compression, it is still more than double what a normal TV can display. I don’t have an HDTV, so it works fine for me.
    Like you said though, I need a new burner for the new computer anyway.<LAUGH> But I KNOW as SOON as I buy one, they will go on sale someplace for 50% off!<LAUGH> Always seems to be the case, with ME anyway.
    Thanks again for all your help and advice. I will post those logs as soon as I can.
    Happy burning!!
  8. shooter

    shooter Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    I put in a new 107 pioneer burner last night, and flashed the firmware. I did two burns this morning at 8x on 4X GO4 media, and they play fine. Guess it was the burner after all. Thanks a ton guys!! You are all GREAT!!<smile>
  9. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    That's good news Shooter,
    I'm glad you are having fun and success with your new Pioneer!
    It makes me happy to get it right once in a while!

    I use the 8X speed on shorter movies that don't have much compression. I did Master and Commander at 8X and had pixelation/freezing problems. The thing finally locked up and quit. I burned it again at 4X and it played normally. I did the whole thing because all the extras were on the second disc so removing the menu wouldn't have made much difference. My Shrink compression number was about 68% which is more than I care for. I was using Ritek G-04s as well.

    As far as burn logs go you can just post 'em here, no problem. I prefer you post the whole thing because if you edit it, other than your serial number, you might leave out the one thing I need to see. Some people hate looking at them but I like trying to figure them out.
    You shouldn't need to post one now though!

    Happy burning,

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