need help (project zero)

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Shaolaan, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. Shaolaan

    Shaolaan Guest

    i've just downloaded the game in MDF format but when i burn it on DVD decrypter and try it on my ps2 ican see nothing after Playstation2 logo it's a black screen ! i have modshiped ps2 and i've played a lot of ps2 game that i downloaded . any idéa ? help plz! tnx .

    sorry for my english
  2. corn

    corn Guest

    Bad burn? I don't do anything with PS2, so I don't know (although I am considering it). Try burning slower next time, and use quality media.
  3. Shaolaan

    Shaolaan Guest

    lol nope it's note a bad burn i burned a lot of game and i burn with 1x
    i get it :
    it's my ps2 she cant read big game!!! so i need to be repared
    tnx anyway.
  4. corn

    corn Guest

    Try x4. As weird as this may sound, x1 might be too slow. How big is the MDF file?
  5. Shaolaan

    Shaolaan Guest

    it's not to slow its the right speed to burn a game with never face a crach or a slow cutscene i play genji very fine that i burned with this speed...but now i cant play it anymore cause of my ps2 she need to be repared she cant read big game now. Project zero is :3.33Go and Genji is 4.28Go
  6. corn

    corn Guest

    Try burning at x4, thats really all I can think of, I don't use DVD Decryptor, so I can't help you much. All I can think of is burn slower.
  7. Shaolaan

    Shaolaan Guest

    i fix it . its not the speed of burning its the ps2 she needed to be adjusted from inside and i do that and now she can read all big game
    tnx anyway

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