ok i soft modded my xbox with splinter cell with a unleashX dash.but when i was making room in my hard drive i accidentaly deleted my ms dashboard & modded dash.and when i put in splinter cell(not platnum) the screen turned black i put in a few other games and the still wouldnt load up.so i took the game out & rebooted my xbox andit was stuck on the unleashX logo.ive googled every tutorial i could think of but it didnt help!so i dont know what to do lol!please HELP!!!!its the 2nd xbox i've sorda screwed up!!!!!!THANKS!!!!!!!
Dang man i did this to my last xbox and i never got it fixed only way to fix it is to hotswap your hard drive connect your hard drive to your and add FTP the ms files back to your xbox are you can try to make a unleashed x boot cd but man this sucks dorry