Need help urgent! internet issues!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Gangstapr, May 15, 2005.

  1. Gangstapr

    Gangstapr Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    Im having this very anoying problem with my internet connection lately, i can connect fine and everything go's perfect but after lets say 15-20 minutes the internet just doesnt wanna cooperate, i get page cannot be display error on every page i go to it seems as if it would die after 15 minutes but it stays connected and the internet is useless afterwards unless i reconnect. Ive tried almiost everything from scanning my computer for viruses,spyware,trojans, changing phoneline cables, lowering port speeds and even tried running WinsockXPFix to see if that would help and NADA! i also tried hijack this with same result. My other computer running windows ME is fine and is using the same connection but i am having this problem with windows xp :(. Has anybody else had this issue in the past? im on a 56k modem no network. PLEASE HELP!!im dying to fix this thing!!thanx!
  2. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Maybe a stupid question, but you didn't mention clearing your temporary internet files, cache, and cookies?
  3. Gangstapr

    Gangstapr Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    yup that too, i reformated my hardrive and install everthing from scrath and now its workin was probably some bad configuration somewhere idk but its strange. Thanx for replying bro.
  4. shivermc

    shivermc Member

    Apr 30, 2005
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    hey ive had that problem lately! spoke to provider n they're saying it's my equipment! why would it start to go offline now ive had broadband for a year n a half with no major probs. seems to be fine when i re-connect but its's so annoying that i have to do this! Any other ideas?
  5. kyle_101

    kyle_101 Guest

    I say get your phone company to come out and check the line..if they sday its all fine and you have done everything with your pc then it has to be down to your service provider.
  6. Sir-Age

    Sir-Age Regular member

    May 17, 2004
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    I used to get the same sort of thing when I has Windows 2000 Pro, If I tried to download anything that took over 5 mins my connection would just give up and I would have to restart and I had a 768kbps broadband then! Once I formated the drive to XP it was fine and its working great!
  7. shivermc

    shivermc Member

    Apr 30, 2005
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    Hi,yip i have xp too and my download speed is not affected (once it connects!!!). Been getting a message lately saying "my system has recovered from a fatal error" im not sure if thats the exact message but its something like that and sometimes my comp just gives up and sparks out then on again without any warning.
    Anyway the internet connection on my sons computer upstairs is working fine he says his only problem is that he can't get on it because im on it all the time!! (yip i need to get it linked also) so im thinking that there is something up with my computer.Anyone know of any test i can run?
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i had over a year of hell with dialup & voice calls when i first moved onto my boat. I had no end of different problems like cables being ripped by lawnmowers, bitten thru by a rat apparently also (tho i think that would have been a lawnmower too), incorrectly fixed by engineers etc etc etc. Then i got broadband and the problem got even worse. I was dloading loads of stuff all the while and i kept having dropped connections whenever i stressed the connection. Even when i plugged in standard 56K modem i had line drops if i overworked the connection.

    The incident that broke the camel's back was when i was on a big project working from home one night. To avoid line drops i worked from just 2 telnet sessions - couldn't even use any web pages as this would have stressed out the connection (this worked for virtually 12hours solid at a stunning [bold]4K/sec[/bold] (i'm deadly serious and i had the logfile to prove it). Then i demanded British Telecom fix their sh*t for the 5th or 6th time in a year. This time they found the cable had been burnt thru by someone putting a barbeque on top of the cable. Engineer showed me the charred remains and replaced whole section of cable. The engineer was flabbergasted that i had used the line for 12 solid hours!!. Since then (October) i have not had one single line drop due to the line itself, obviously have had the odd outage to a DNS issue or outage somewhere in the network.

    It pays to perserve, i even refused to pay a quarterly bill due to the crap service i'd endured.
    Last edited: May 24, 2005

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