Need Help Urgent with xbox softmod removal

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by rawzilla, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. rawzilla

    rawzilla Guest

    Hey there everyone. I'm a total noob. Need advice in regards to my mistake of accidentlly loading two linux file on my xbox. EvoX and UnleashedX. Evo seems to be causing some problems. How do I get rid of that dang Evo? Thanks so much!!!!
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    ok what exactly did you do because there is no way you installed both at the same time.....
  3. xBMODSx

    xBMODSx Guest

    ridges is right dude you cant install more than one!

    if you have unleash x the evox will be under backups but thats bout it it just launches the unleash x! but you cant put two sorry!
  4. xBMODSx

    xBMODSx Guest

    oh and if you want to take somthing off there is always a uninstal!
  5. rawzilla

    rawzilla Guest

    Thank you guys for your rapid response. I have been gone for two days. I purchased action replay and found a tut from this website. The guy had a step by step process of files I needed to softmod. I aquired the correct coppy of mech assualt and downloaded the recommended installer (EvoX) for that game. EvoX doesn't seem to work properly and for some odd reason doesn't have a uninstall. I noticed once this program was running I couldn;t connect to the internet from my xbox. So I downloaded UnleashedX and ran the file from the mech assualt campaign menu. With this linux file running a was able to get my ftp working but still no internet connection. So thats what I ment by two programs. EvoX comes on when you power the xbox. I have to actually put the mech assualt game in and ru n unleased if im trying to ftp. Also whenever I try to insert a disk when Unleased is running it closes the disk srive quickly and fires up EvoX. I was able to use the ppf to "merge" the map files for H2. Unfortunetlly I cant load any maps.......

    (Gosh Im a noob :))
    Rameen Afshar Thank you guys
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    if you wanted to remove your first instalation with evox all you had to do was put the game you installed it with back in.......and what do you mean your cant go on your internet with xbox do you mean live....unless you picked the dual boot option with the softmod you cannot go on xbox live....
  7. rawzilla

    rawzilla Guest

    Well I guess I just need to start from scratch. Reboot my xbox and reload the correct "dual boot" program. Its just not easy to find. By the way nice video!
  8. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i can send you the sid 4.5 if you need it just pm me....
  9. rawzilla

    rawzilla Guest

    i would love snything you can send. what is a pm?
  10. theridges

    theridges Guest

    it is a private message....

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