hello eveyone, i had recently purchased a new modded xbox...when you press the eject button the console starsts with microsoft dashboard and runns fine when i use the power button the xbox boots up with evox at the top left and i can play all my desired software and use apps and play copied discs now here is what happened....i got silly and downloaded AID 3.10 latest version and formatmy hard drive and installed evolution x.... every thing runs fine with the modchip and powerbuttton......but WHEN I TRY TO LOAD THE ORIGNAL XBOX DASHBOARD IT GIVES ME ERROR 13 AND TELLS ME TO CONTACT SERVICE CENTRE....I LOCKED THE HDD BUT IT STILL DOES NOT BOOT THE ORIGNAL DASHBOARD AND BARRING ME FROM PLAYING ORIGNAL GAMES...REST EVERYTHING WITH THE MODCHIP AND EVOX IS FINE.... and yes the name of my chip is lpc based(sst49lf020)
try getting Slayer 2.7 Final from a torrent site. Burn it to a DVD then use to to reformat the drive and install all the dashboards and apps. I know people who have had problems with AID and said it was a bit buggy.
If you wiped out your hard drive with AID 3, you can restore your retail (original M$ dash) by selecting the "Install Retail Dash" on the upper left menu. If your HD is locked, you should be able to boot with the original BIOS (eject button) into the M$ dash. You should not be barred from playing original games from the evox dash.
i am happpy you all replied and tried to help me...but i figued it out my self..i burnt another cd at slow speed as it was giving extraction errors and wooohla.... it worked and was a a cake walk and ai can now have my evox startup and xbox startup aswell....thanks for ur time alll....
Another thing most folks don't realize is that burning CD's/DVD's at high speed requires higher power on the laser and if your burner is not up to the task or the media is less that top notch, you'll have problems on other drives. Play it safe and burn DVD's at 2X or 2.4X and most of the time even the cheapest discs will be playable on any player.