Need Help with Computer

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by JSRife, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    Ok here is my problem. I cannot write an email, it doesn't matter which service I use, Comcast, Yahoo, Etc.. I can type in the feilds at the top (email address) the (subject) but when I get down to the actually place where I write the email I cannot get it to type anything. What could it be?
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Glad you came back .... like I said before -- i'm not here to be a meanie -- just here to make sure things dont get too out of hand, offtopic, personal etc :) .... so let's try things anew oki?

    Can you put your cursor in the box? Or is it even impossible to get to that box? :)
  3. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    Praetor....No I cannot. I can fill out the persons email adress and the subject and my email and all of that happy stuff. Cannot get a cursor where I want to write the email, can't write anything.
  4. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    If I use the tab key I can get a highlighted border around where I write mail, but that is it.
  5. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    Sorry not meaning to keep writing a post one after another...Just more has come to mind....I had this email problem after I reformated my computer, have reformated many times and never had this kind of problem with mail. I reformated my machine 3 times today and still, I cannot write any email. I cannot write email through any service either Comcast(my provider) nor can I write through Yahoo either, the same thing goes with Yahoo, I can only fill out the Email addy and the subect and my email addy, but cannot write email. I called Comcast and they told me it was a computer problem, because they checked out my account and everything in email worked fine for them. I called HP about the problem and the dick heads tell me I have had my computer for more than a year so I would have to pay for support...$40 for help one time or $75 for the year, I was like screw that and hung up on em. Now I am faced with this problem. Unless their is something messed up inside my machine, I reformated don't know what it could be.
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Very odd indeed -- i would not suspect it to be a problem with the hardware .... you have this problem with a fresh format? (i.e., without doing anything other than installing NIC drivers if needed?) ... and is this limited to only IE? :)
  7. Buik

    Buik Regular member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    Might be time to ensure you have your internet security up to snuff.

    What do you have for a firewall? Software and/or hardware? Also, do you run any spyware programs?

  8. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    I'm working on it...I probably pissed Praetor off or somebody and they are now hacking me..LOL...hope not
  9. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    All of this started yesterday.....I had a Password on my windows...Ya know the one that will say Owner on it if you don't do anything to it...Well anyway, I added a name and a password to enable Windows to work, Thought it might be good for security purposes...Well Yesterday when I tried to sign on to my computer (opening windows) my password didn't work to sign on, I was like damn am I being hacked or what. So I then reformated my system, and then I cannot write any email, I cannot write any text, I'm like WTF...So I reformated 2 times more since then, and still no go on the email writing....I now just downloaded this free Spy bot search and destroy program, it found some things and blocked them, but still I cannot write email. In your guys opinion what in the hell should I do, to find out if i'm being hacked?
  10. siber

    siber Regular member

    Jan 1, 2004
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    Download Thunderbird:

    This is a different ( and FREE) program to handle Email. It is very easy to download, very easy to install and itmay be better than Outlook and Outlook Express. If it works for you, that would obviously point to a problem with your primary software.

    This should take a lot less time than a complete reformat.
  11. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    Hey Siber....I downloaded the program you told me to go to. I can't figure it out. But, I did download it and in the feild where you write text it did work. So does that mean I'm most likely not being hacked? I really wanna figure out this problem.
  12. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    No your not being 'hacked'

    When u try and send these emails, are u using a program, eg Outlook Express or are u using Internet Explorer and Using WebMail ( to send the email....

  13. siber

    siber Regular member

    Jan 1, 2004
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    No, I agree, I doubt very much that 'hacking' is your problem. On the other hand, I don't have any other thoughts about what the problem may be caused by.

    Meanwhile, you should be able to get Thunderbird to work for you. Find tools or something similar on the top of the page and look for 'accounts' or Email accounts,...

    Another idea would be to go to the Microsoft web page and send them a report about your problem.
  14. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I really don't think this a hack thing. People have a lot better things to do.

    Do you have other browsers on your computer, other than Microsoft IE?
    I would try some of the ones listed in the Browsers disscussion thread if you don't.

    I have a fresh install of Win98 with the newest version of IE here at work and it screws up websites and typing fields. This appears to be due to some security setting.

    IF possible I would also try an other browser, like Firefox, Opera, Mozila, Netscape ete.
  15. Buik

    Buik Regular member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    Let's back up to square one.

    Give us some specifications on you computer. Operating system to start with. Then tell us about your hardware.

    Now,(1) when you say you are "re-formatting" your hard drive, what are you doing? Do you have to reload all your software after it is done? Or (2) are you actually just "de-fragmenting" it. (3) Another possibility is that you might be using a manufacturer's "mirror" disk to return you hard drive to the software configuration it started with when you bought it. If that is the case, the disk could be damaged. You could be re-loading a corrupted file or two.

    That you are able to get windows up & running is a start (unless you are not writing your posts on the box with the problem)

    Is Comcast your ISP?


  16. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    Ok this everything I know of. I am using Windows XP home, Microsoft 6, 384mb DDR 2100 Memory, 40gig HD, Athlon 1800+ 1.53Ghz. When I say reformat I mean putting the Computer back to factory settings and that deletes every thing I have downloaded and put on my computer, it puts my computer back to new and fresh. I have never had this problem with email before either, I have reformated this machine many of times since I have had it and never had any problems. I will say this much, My Yahoo email is now working as far as writing an email, I now have a cursor and everything works fine on the Yahoo mail program. I am with Comcast as My ISP and still I cannot write mail through Comcast Mail, I cannot get a cursor or anything on Comcasts mail. Maybe something is off somewhere, dunno for sure.
  17. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    Have you got Internet Explorer 6 SP1 Installed, and all of Microsoft's Critical Updates ?

    If not, go to Windows Update, (Tools -> Windows Update) and download all the Critical Updates and then try again.

  18. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    Yeah I got all the updates and the Microsoft 6 1.....I don't see what Microsoft updates would have to do with my writing email....But I will double check on the updates...
  19. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    What is Microsoft 6 1 ??

    Microsoft have 'Patches' to fix problems for Windows as well as Internet Explorer. Differnt comptuers have differnt problems. I have seen computers at work that have had a similar problem, and you do the updates, and it seems to work fine.

  20. Lil_Ste

    Lil_Ste Guest

    can some 1 help me wen i downloaded a album an put it on dics it was on 1 track so how do i seperate it into the rite amout of tracks

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