need help with dvd burner

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by adarksoul, May 20, 2006.

  1. adarksoul

    adarksoul Member

    May 20, 2006
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    Im new to all this dvd burning and I have had lots of problem with my dvd player playing dvd-r. I have 3 dvd burners and 2 play them ok. And one copy of a movie plays on all 3. I just knottiest something today. In dvd-r you can see the area of the disk that was bur right. So I just saw something that I think it’s the problem why my dvd play cant play burn movies.

    The one movie that can play on all 3 players has the burn area close to the center whole of the dvd and the rest has more space between the whole and the burn area.

    If any one can help me on how I can get my dvd burner to burn more closer to the dvd center.
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    That is not something that you can change. DVD burning starts at the center and proceeds toward the edge of the disc.

    Blank DVDs are not really blank, there is a "wobble groove" pressed into the blank that gives the burner something to aim at during the process. Closest to the center of the DVD is an area called the Information area. This is where the burner does a few power checks to set the laser up properly for the burn. In this same area information is written that tells the player what type of DVD this is.


    When you put in a DVD-R blank and start the burn it will first do the power test, then add any information the player might need to identify the blank(bit setting). After that, the lead-in is written. The lead in contains control data and also makes a starting border for the data area which follows next. Once that is completed a lead-out area is added which closes the DVD and prevents further writing.

    As you can see, all this stuff is pretty much set up from the factory. There are no methods for users to adjust or change settings one way or another. If the DVD is being incorrectly written then there is a very serious problem with the burner. A DVD with moved or incorrectly positioned areas would probably not play in any type of player or drive.
  3. adarksoul

    adarksoul Member

    May 20, 2006
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    thanks for the info
    Last edited: May 21, 2006

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