Need Help With HDD...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Viper89, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. Viper89

    Viper89 Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Hi, I am having a problem with my newly installed hdd. I kno it has to do with the eeprom and my question is this: If i put in my old hdd, how do i get my eeprom from the hdd?
  2. ndjumpbal

    ndjumpbal Guest

    when you softmod, there should be a option to create a backup of your eeprom, ftp it to your comp and download an app from the usual place to read the eeprom, but i think it has to do with hdd locking because I think the eeprom is stored in the xbox's hardware
  3. zachb90

    zachb90 Guest

    I have had the same problem with one of my freinds xbox consoles. you have to have a backup of the epromm.note: make sure that you use the same eppromm off of the original motherboard. once you have the epprom you can slave the hdd and connect it to a computer. Also you have to have hdd maker to do all of this. I can show you how to do it just visit and get my email address off of the site and email me with more questions.

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