So much for the 'high-end' projector bit. but, regardless, i am stuck with the projector and need a solution: Here we go: I have an Epson 737c Projector that is 1080i compliant, and has Epson's 3LCD technology, making it HDTV compatible. I wish to go from my newly upgraded Direct TV Box to my Epson Projector with ease, and HD abilities. I have been told by the DTV people that i cannot go into anything without a HDMI port, and they have a 'special' component for this, costing me upwards of $399. Is there a connection i can make, purchase, or steal that can help me adapt to my projector port? I have considered component to VGA; hdmi to DVi-I then Dvi-I to VGA; and also just going back to my pathetic RCA connector and screwing the HDTV thing. It would be nice to have an 8' x 12' screen in the garage tho.... PLEASE HELP IF YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN DO!