need help with ifoedit

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by acevr6, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. acevr6

    acevr6 Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    When I rip Underworld 2 with pgcedit it tell me Error loading NAV pack. The Vob file*may*be CSS encoaded Or the VOB dosen't match the IFO. Try to do a mock strip with Ifoedit. How do I edit a CSS encoded disc? Or How do I do a mock strip with Ifoedit? Someone please help I'm a Newbie and am fraustrated
  2. acevr6

    acevr6 Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    It also says PgcEdit is trying to read data after the end of a table. To fix with Ifoedit. The missing value may be fixed to 0. Confused what to do
  3. f_magee

    f_magee Guest

    When you receive that error in PGCEdit you need to make a note of the VTS file that is causing the error. You will need to open up this IFO in IFOEdit. Once you have opened up the IFO you can follow these instructions to perform a mock strip:

    By the way, don't correct any of the files in PGCEdit during this time. It will prompt you to change them but just answer No. You will be doing a better repair in IFOEdit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2006
  4. acevr6

    acevr6 Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    thanx for trying to help but the link you gave says page is not able to display. If you know another link please let me know
  5. f_magee

    f_magee Guest

    Apparently part of that forum site is down because I can't get to it either. Below is a google cached copy of the instructions:

    How to Do a Mock Strip using IfoEdit
    Courtesy of 2 C L

    Mock Stripping Titleset VOBs
    1. Open up your IFO, in question, with IfoEdit.
    2. Click on VOB Extras button.
    3. Check only the VOB EXtras Options as below.

    Strip Streams
    Strip VobIDs
    Correct Vob-Unit
    Correct original IFO files
    Remove P-UOps
    Remove Macrovision
    Adjust VOB-Unit pointers
    Adjust Audio/Subp points

    4. Browse to a Destination Directory other than source (original) folder.
    5. Click OK
    6. Your first Stream List is your list of existing Audio and SubPictures(Subtitles). Click on Check All and then Strip it button.
    7. Your second Stream List is your VOB IDs. Click on Check All and Strip it button again.
    8. IfoEdit will process and when done, you will have new files in your Destination directory.
    9. In Windows Explorer, drag/copy all your new files into your directory that contains it's original counterpart files.
    10. Confirm to copy all.
    11. Open up your IFO, in question again, and click on Get VTS Sectors button. This will correct your IFOs sectors.
    12. Click OK/Yes to all following dialogs.
    13. When done, preview to test.

    Mock Stripping Menus
    1. Open up your IFO, in question, with IfoEdit.
    2. Click on Menu Extras button.
    3. Check only the Menu EXtras Options as below.

    Strip VobIDs
    Correct Vob-Unit
    Correct original IFO files
    Remove P-UOps
    Remove Macrovision
    Adjust VOB-Unit pointers
    Adjust Audio/Subp points

    4. Browse to a Destination Directory.
    5. Click OK
    6. Your Stream List is your VOB IDs. Click on Check All and Strip it button again.
    7. IfoEdit will process and when done, you will have new files in your Destination directory.
    8. In Windows Explorer, drag/copy all your new files into your directory that contains it's original counterpart files.
    9. Confirm to copy all.
    10. Open up your IFO, in question again, and click on Get VTS Sectors button. This will correct your IFOs sectors.
    11. Click OK/Yes to all following dialogs.
    12. When done, preview to test.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2006

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