The last time I formatted the PC I got a Windows Xp cd off my friend that came with SP2 on it. Here's the problem: when I try to update the drivers for my video card, it says INF error and then tells me to try installing a standard VGA driver or something. I have a Radeon 9200 SE video card. It sucks because I try to play old emulated Snes or Nintendo 64 games and when I put them full screen the computer has to be reset. I've been searching all over for a solution, but to no avail. Could someone please help me?
I don't know what I need. I tried installing the ATI catalyst drivers which I normal do, but it won't let me install them. I just get the INF error.
You could try d/ling the Catalyst driver removal tool from the ATI site. Uninstall any drivers, run that cleaner program - reboot then try installing the latest version again.
Yeah, I've thought about removing the drivers completely, but my concern with that is that I might not be able to install any drivers afterwards. It won't let me install the catalyst drivers now, what the heck am I gonna do if I remove all drivers and it still doesn't work?
guessing catalist driver is generic driver from OS disc? thinking your video card disc is dirty or scratched...wipe it off on your pants first silly
Catalyst driver is downloaded from a site. My video card disc isn't dirty or scratched; I got the drivers from ATI's site.