Need help with internet please

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by cic_13, May 4, 2008.

  1. cic_13

    cic_13 Guest

    Can anyone please tell me how to password my internet connection
    i have a ridiculos low speed and i think im the only one with WIFI modem i see people sitting in the park near me with laptops and i think im paying for the entire building

    Sorry for bad expretion not english.
    many thanks
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    what wireless router/modem are you using? did you read the manual on how to setup encryption password?
  3. cic_13

    cic_13 Guest

    first thanks for the reply,

    its a thompson tcw710 i have 12 mb and i can only use about 3-4
    and the manual is crap i doenst tell me anything about it. i read it 200 times and still nothing. i thought that thereĀ“s some program to do it.


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