Need help with IPod Nano

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by djsmooth2, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. djsmooth2

    djsmooth2 Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    I need help with my new 4 GB Ipod nano. I am currently subscribing to Napster to Go and I recently purchased an IPod nano. I already understand I can not directly take music from Napster to Go and put it on the IPod. I was under the impression though from those I talked to that i could burn my Napster songs to a CD and rip them into ITunes. This did not work though because when i went to burn the CD it said I had to purchase the songs before burning it. I am really hoping that someone can tell me a different way to get my Napster music on it because if not I am out almost $300. Please do not post saying it's impossible because that is not helpful to me. Anything you can do would be very much appreciated.
  2. iPod_luva

    iPod_luva Guest

    you should be able to iport the songs through [bold]File > Import[/bold] then you should find the folder that the music that you have downloaded is in. select the songs you want and then they should appear in you iTunes library. (sorry if this is wrong, not to familliar with napster)

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