ok so i have a softmodded xbox and i know a lot about it and i am currently trying to upgrade my harddrive to a western digital 160GB HDD. I used xboxhdm, to make the new HDD usable for an xbox(writing C,E,and making F drive)I go through the whole process no problem and I get to the FINAL step which is locking the HDD. I go to lockhd and then its an option like "-a use password automaticaly from eeprom" every tutorial i read says to do that then it searches for password or something then after like 5 seconds it says "eeprom.bin not found on CD ROM" My burned iso cd seems perfect and i followed every direction by tuturiols and i still can not get past this last stage my eeprom.bin file is put in its correct folder too xboxhdm/linux/eeprom and its the true file not a shortcut so its like 256kb or something so what am i doing wrong or what is a simple soultion to fix this???