Hi Nintendo experts, I have a very weird problem. With my Nintendo DSi, I can access the Internet just fine using its built-in (Opera) web browser. So that shows that I know what it takes to set up the wi-fi connection properly. However I have a hard time setting up the wi-fi connection for Mario Kart. I even tried the manual set up as well, but it didn't work. (Actually I don't understand why we need to configure wi-fi within the Mario Kart interface itself. Before I bought the game, I thought once we've set up the wi-fi within the System Settings of the DSi, then we wouldn't need to set it up anymore for wi-fi enabled games such as the Mario Kart.) Any help please? Thanks!!
the one connection you set up was for opera flip note, face book, shopping channel etc. that was under advanced settings there is another set of basic settings found in the same area this is for the games you can use nintendo wfc usb connector or a wireless router supporting WEP, those are your only two options for games.
Just to add to my first post: I've tried a few different set-ups, and so far the error codes I've been getting are 52000, 52100, 52101, etc.....I don't remember precisely though.
Hi Mickoz74, Thanks for the reply! =) Yes I do have a wireless router that supports WEP. That's how I was able to connect to the Internet (using its built in Opera) in the first place, right?? My point is, since I can successfully connect to the Internet using my WEP-enabled wireless router, why wouldn't the Mario Kart wi-fi work?
you have a wireless router? is the security set to 64bit WEP, if not you will need to do that and don't make the password too long, save and reboot router changing settings on all devices. turn dsi on go to system settings, internet, connection settings, in connection 1, 2, 3 tap on the word NONE do not go to advanced setup, search for an access point, find your ssid must be in green as red will not be supported and fail. touch the ssid that belongs to you and follow instructions. IF THE ICON SHOWING SIGNAL STRENGTH IN RED THAT SECURITY ON YOUR ROUTER NOT COMPATIBLE
you need to do the initial set-up and save settings in the game this only needs to be done once if using a flash cart, if original carts has to be done more than once per cart. it also sets up your unique friend code, its also getting the info it needs to access the server your playing the games on
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJGcn0n2_oU does this youtube video help the guy talking sounds annoying and well just annoying but its just the principle im aiming for how far have you got compaired to him?
http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/wfc/en_na/ds/lookup.jsp on this site enter error code as you get it and it will tell you the menaing hope it helps
Yes, I do have a wireless router that supports WEP (not WPA), and the security is set to 64 bit. Ok I will try that tonight. Just so you know, before I was able to use Opera, I tried connections 1, 2, 3, but none worked. Then I went to Advanced setup and used Connection 4, and it worked (I just needed to put in the SSID and 64-bit WEP key), and the signal indicator is green. What's the difference between connections 1/2/3 vs. 4/5/6??
4,5,6 use WPA and all other connections for the ds to connect to internet opera, facebook app, flipnote all non-cartridge game stuff basically dsi shop. only by getting 1,2 or 3 connections will you be able to play online cartridge games, this caught me out as well now i got a wep connection 64bit 8 digit (having a big as password as possible failed for me everytime) password and because wep is pants i also added MAC filtering, MAC address for ds is under options where you set up wireless connection on ds. Once i got it running on connection 1 all games go online. sory this message scatty im tired, will help you further if yo get stuck
This is the router that I use: http://www.amazon.ca/SMC7004VWBR-Barricade-router-100Mbps-802-11b/dp/B00006HMR3 and as you can see it's a WEP router. So I wonder why it works with Connection 4, which, as you said, is WPA?
connection 4 can handle wep and all other types of common security, do you have your router wireless set up as: Network Authentication: OPEN WEP Encryption: Enabled Encryption Strength:64bit i used only numbers for the password, and enabled MAC filtering and entered MAC address of DSI into router settings. turn the router security OFF try and connect if you can its just settings stopping you, if you can't its an incompatible router (make sure you use only connection 1,2 or 3 as these are the gaming connections.) did you get it after?
Hi Mick, Not yet.....well my cousin was the one who set up the wireless router a long long time ago, and now I forgot the IP address of the router admin page (the 192.168, etc), so I'll have to talk to him first. Will let you know how it goes!
click start, all programs, accessories command prompt, right click on it if using vista and run as administrator, type ipconfig/all under the wireless LAN adapter you need the default gateway i.e or are common addresses in the home, enter that into the internet browser as an address and it will bring up your router page.
Hi Mick, I was finally able to login to the administration page of the wireless router. I can clarify that it's set to the following: - WEP, 64 bit - 1, 2 Mbps basic rate - 2 Mbps transmission rate I don't believe it supports MAC filtering, so I guess by default I have nothing to do with regards to the MAC address of the DSi. So after all of the above, my DSi still can't connect using Connection 1. That's so odd! The WEP key in its NON-encrypted form is not that long; only has 9 characters. The hex, though, is 10 characters as normal. Any thoughts?
Network Authentication: open WEP Encryption: enabled Encryption Strength: 64-bit do not use hexadecimal 0-9 A-F use ASCII 0-9 im not using hex which looks like the only difference to you. do you have a choice between hexadecimal and ASCII? only use one key Current Network Key: 1 Network Key 1: password Network Key 2: password Network Key 3: password Network Key 4: password
Thanks for the tips. I'll try them out tonight: About "network authentication: open", not sure if it's got that option. I'll double check later. With regards to the WEP key: basically I put a regular word, let's say "whatever", and when I submit it, it becomes something like 3P2HJ98NDK (I just made them up). So, do you mean that: a. I should put "whatever" (instead of 3P2HJ98NDK)? or b. I should set it up so that when I submit "whatever", the result will also be ASCII, let's say "WhateverASCII". And then put "WhateverASCII" to the DSi? Not sure about the ASCII option. Will check later. Yes I only have 1 WEP key, and that's the only one I use. I checked at Nintendo's site, and apparently my router is one of the many that do work with the DSi. So it's strange that I am having a lot of troubles. Here it is: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/wfc/en_na/ds/routers/SMC/SMC7004VWBR/index.jsp Sorry to keep bothering you though! =)
i see the prob i think yours makes a password out of a word you enter, if i put 6456334634 as my password that's my password. ill check out the router you have to see if i can work it out and get back to you.
Yes you are exactly right. If I go to the "Wireless" section of the router admin page, there's a part where I can enter a word, and when I click "Submit", it gets converted to hex. Whenever people come to my house and bring a laptop and want to connect to the Internet wirelessly, they just need to find my SSID in their system, and I give them the hex code, and that's it; they get connected. Same thing with my DSi: if you remember I mentioned that Connection 4 works fine, and all I had to do was find the SSID, and then enter the hex.