need help with multi avi files

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by BadDagger, May 25, 2006.

  1. BadDagger

    BadDagger Regular member

    Apr 5, 2005
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    ok.. i have some avi files wich i would like to put onto a dvd to view after.. i got alot of different avi files probly around 100 or so.. but how would i be able to put 4 or 5 on on dvd and be able to select each on seperate.. likeif u are chosing a option on a dvd movie or someting.. so i can pick it like different episodes or chapters
  2. mistycat

    mistycat Active member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Check out this guide for Nero: or this one for ConvertXtoDVD: Either one should do what you want but be aware that the trial of ConvertXtoDVD leaves a watermark in your video and I believe I read that the trial runs at half speed. Otherwise, you will need an encoding program, an authoring program and a burning program. The only authoring program I know of that also burns your project is Ulead MovieFactory. Good simple program, though. It used to use the MainConcept engine for encoding but that was a few versions back and I no longer know if it does. Also, if your avi's are 1 hour episodes, about 4 is the limit for decent quality. If movies, 2 would be pushing it although I've never tried. I would lean towards VSO, I think, but Nero is also excellent..
    Last edited: May 25, 2006

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