Hi, on my g/f computer (win98) she has Norton Internet Security 2005. When we try to run Live Update this warning appears. Error Starting Program The NETAPI32.DLL is linked to missing export NTDLL.DLL:RtlValidSecurityDescriptor. I dont know what this means, i can only presume that a file has been deleted. I re-installed Live Update but this didnt resolve the problem. Anyone got any idea? By the way, her mom owns the PC and wont let me install Zone Alarm, so i cant change the Anti Virus software.
Good old Norton. Problems, problems, problems. That's why I refuse to run any Norton products. Anyways, to your problem. Did you try and reinstall the whole Security Suite? The error message means either the file is missing or more likely corrupted. Did you check the Symantic site for anything related?
Thanks for reply, i tried the symantec site, and one thing i will say is there help and troubleshooting section, imo, is damn good! But there software is crap. I just re-installed norton in the end, oh and guess what, i had to do a system restore aswell, the machine just crashed and refused to work. She still wont let me change their software, although she did let me put Zone Alarm Pro onto their PC.
Symantec is second only to Norton for creating easy-to-kill bloatware. Internet Security is a big fat sham of a program, I feel bad for anyone running it. It breaks a WHOLE lot more stuff than it fixes. The one, and only, antivirus worth running, in my humble opinion, is Kaspersky (norton and symantec buy definitions and detection/scan algorithms from him), and the only "firewall" worth anything is BlackIce. Do her a favor and put XP on her computer anyway, if it'll run 98 it'll run xp. And why so jaded? I can't tell you how many times I've seen virii kill norton/symantec products (AV and/or Internet Security), or seen simple scripts take them out like they weren't even there.