I installed the softmod with mech assault saves but then i somehow managed to destroy my dashboard I still can play games but when i try to go to dashboard i get the errormessage 13? I have tried to install again the uxe-installer but then i get message what says something about fonts... rename fonts. installingsettings are of course in french so i dont understand what should i do What does this mean? I tried the dashupdate.exe but then the errormessage changes to error21. What should i do now? If someone could help me i would be very thankfull. Sorry my bad english.
I Had a very similar problem with mechassualt becasuse someone taught me wrong . If you actually INSTALLED the softmod you maybe able to refreshit by luck. after Mine messed up it fixed itself after a couple of hours (lukily) bu tit could be becasue it deleted my dash or sumptin. when i signed onto XBOXLIVE It reinstalled xbox live on my dash and repaired it. I cant help much . but if you ever get your dash back and you get splinter cell i have a great tutorial.
Load a OG game then use the hotswap trick with xboxhdm_v1.9 then follow xboxhdm instructions on how to install UDE or UDE2 and your done.