So I previously installed a nintendo wifi USB connector along with it's software on to my PC. But then I made a mistake, I uninstalled the program from my PC the wrong way (that is for not having the USB connector plugged into the PC's USB port) and now whenever I try to re-install the program using the CD, the language of the installshield wizard's changed to Japanese and the installer doesn't seem to make any progress. I need help on how to fully uninstalled the program from my PC and how to install it again. because there's no way I can access the online play by manually setup the wifi (I'm not using WEP but WPA2 instead). I've also tried downloading the software (Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector installer.exe)from the internet, but the installer won't run. thanks
ok on windows xp go to start, all programs, nintendo wifi usb connector uninstall registration tool. same for vista start, programs, nintendo wifi usb connector uninstall registration tool
As I've told you before, I don't have the program anymore... so therefore there's no nintendo wifi usb connector in my all programs~ everytime i tried to install the nintendo USB wifi connector using the CD, the interface always shown in japanese~ the whole setup things are in japanese... n the installer doesnt seem to make any progress~ im like stressed now ~_~" anymore help would be appreciated
are all your windows updates done, my nintendo wifi adapter does not like my firewall or anti-virus software so i had to disable it before installing wifi nintendo, had to allow it though zonealarm to let it run and change security settings. have a look in c drive start, my computer, drive c, program files,WIFIconnector if the folder did not delete delete the 12 contents then delete folder and try a reinstall the latest driver