Need help with R4

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by gadzooks, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. gadzooks

    gadzooks Guest

    I have a DS Lite with a R4
    I have had the R4 for about a year now and recently I decided to upload some games onto the R4 chip.

    The problem I have is even though I can see the roms on the SD Card by looking through the computer, when I put the R4 into the DS the games dont appear on the menu screen.

    I have the latest firmware v1.11 as well.

    If anyone can help me out here Id greatly appreciate it!

  2. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Are all the files you added (the roms) .nds files (i.e. unzipped), are they in the same place as the other games you had on it already, is there still sufficient free space on the card (1MB per 2 games as a minimum. What R4 card do you have (none of the 12 listed have software 1.11??)
  3. cturtle

    cturtle Guest

    Well I'm not sure why you can't even see the files on your DS, but I can tell you for sure that 1.11 is NOT the newest firmware version. In fact 1.11 is VERY old. Download version 1.18 here

    That should work for you. Are you leaving the extension .nds on the end of the files? Otherwise they won't show up.

    Try that.
  4. gadzooks

    gadzooks Guest


    I upgraded the firmware and still nothing has changed

    All of the games are .nds files and there is about 400megs left on this 2 gig sd card.

    What R4 card do I have you ask....sheesh..Im not too sure, it just says R4 - Revolution for DS....:(
  5. cturtle

    cturtle Guest

    Are you using Moonshell? It sounds like everything should be working.
    Can you play audio/video files?

    DOUBLE_DD Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    put your card into pc right click and select format, select fat 32 then start once finished put firmware 1.18 on it and ey voila this does not work you got issues with hardwear either pc, ds card, or memory card but seen what you say before and usualy format will sort it

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