Ok i was doing the tutorial to get XBMC on my xbox i did everything correctly then when i shutdown my xbox and power it back up it goes to a black screen i still have my orange light but no unleashedX dashboard can someone please help me i hope i dont habe to connect my xbox hard drive to my pc and all of that cause that would really suck. and yes luckly i did back up my whole xbox to my pc so i have everything on it someone please help thx
What method did you use to install XBMC? Were you playing with files? Were you... Tell me... I'll find out... The safest way to initially install XBMC is via AID! Will your console boot from discs?
i use tutorial that is on this page where you put XBMC onder e:/apps/....then i went to XBMC shortcut creator and created default.xbe and overwrited it......then i reboot xbox and it just goes to a black screen and yes i can still play disc
To add to this my xbox was manufacturer 11 0f 2002 im trying to do the hot swap method but as im taking out 1 torx screw of the bottom of the xbox all 3 other torx screws are different size of the first 1 i took out i dont know if microsoft did this on purpose and this is a brand nex xbox so i know no one else could of did it man this sucks and i have a torx set from smallest to largest 1/16,6/64,3/32,1/8,5/32,3/10,7/32,1/4... and none of them worked accept one and that was one the first screw also these screws are different from my first xbox these screws are black not silver and 1 more thing i have a old xbox hard drive that i would like to add to my xbox but it has no dashboard on it i would like to hotswap it also to put a dash on it because that hard drive had alot of stuff on it from my mods to files and i read that you cant turn the xbox off without the hard drive attached cause it could cause it to stay unlocked but i have o becuase you have to reboot with the hard drive but how will i keep my orginal hard drive locked so please help
Arrgghh! My head hurts... use punctuation! Why are you hotswapping? The disc still load... Seriously, get AID v4.01 and install whatever dash you want!
ok i can load disc but i have no dashboard at all...So im assuming my only option is to hotswap useing xplorer360...I Have two hard drives. My original, and my hard drive from my old xbox that i screwed up it has no dashboard period..So i was wondering if it was possible to plug it into my new xbox do the hotswap method. But in the tutorial it says if you turn the xbox off without the hard drive it can stay unlocked so my original hard drive will stay unlocked if i try to hotswap my old hard drive...And about the 4 screws on the bottom corners of the xbox. i took out 1 but the other 3 are a different size like there a tad smaller... and i tried all my torx and none of them worked so i might not never beable to fix my xbox cause i cant even get it open...
My xbox currently loads to a Black screen and stay there.. with my orange light... if i turn it on with a game yes they load so should i reinstall unleashedX
Were can i get AiD and what to i burn it to i only have cd-rw and dvd-rw but i just thought of this lol cant i just put in splinter cell and reinstall the softmod are will it screw it up cause i believe thats my easiest rout