Ok so im modding my xbox and i put the linux files on and when i start up splinter cell my dash goes 2 this http://www.tdubel.com/artikkelit/kuvat/evolutionxasent/3935.jpg and i need to get 2 this http://www.verityhw.com/uploader/files/1/mxbox1/xmod (10).JPG so that i can install soft mod and every thing else. Please tell me where 2 go or what 2 do thanks.
Alrighty I'll see if I can be of assistance. First off do you have a modchip installed? Or did you softmod? Secondly are you sure that you want linux on your xbox? Far be it from me to discourage anyone from using linux (I use ubuntu myself) and everyone has to start somewhere but it's not necessary for what most people use a modded xbox. If you still want it though download whichever flavor suits your taste. If your new to linux stay away from sXb. I've never used X-DSL or dyne:bolic. I'd recommend Xubuntu, Xebian or Gentoox for there ease of use. I'll write more when I'm sure that you even want linux.
Yes im softmodding. And i modded my other xbox before.I just want to get to the modded dash so that i can mod my xbox.
Do you want to use your xbox as a computer or as an xbox that does extra stuff? If you want linux go the download page of whatever flavor you'd like and download it and burn it. If you want just a modded xbox and you've got the evox dashboard up then you already modded the bios. If you want to install a new dashboard you have to ftp to your xbox if your using evox. Alternatively you can create a avalaunch Dvd or cd-rw with whatever dashboard you want to install in a folder on the disc and use avalaunch's file manager to copy it over. Your going to have to rename the dash to whatever your bios is going to expect or it's going to just boot into the default xbox dash. You lost me on the first part of your message because I've never softmodded.