I am new at this from and I am not sure if I am at the right section of this of this site. But I am hoping some one can help me. I am using swish max to make a Dvd for my husband who is in Iraq for our 1 year aniversary. I am putting photos, music, poems on the DVD. But Swish does not burn the dvd. Am I able to use Nero imiage drive, to burn my DVD with Swish? And how to do this? P.S. If I am not in the right area of this form, where do I need to go to get this question answered? Thanks Pam
I've never used Swish, but I'm guessing that once you have made you movie, then you save and it saves as a file?? If so what does it save as, ext on the file name??
Well it is designed for creating flash (swf) files. Not sure if it can output other formats. Even if it can then it could be like flash where it doesn't output exactly what you would expect it to. You may have to export a swf file and then convert that.
you should be able to use NEro and make a data cd, adding the swf to it. http://www.wildform.com/tutorials/flashvideoforcdroms/index.php?sid=CL42-2P9J-4156b88770a57&ref= Here some info . When he plays it it will on windows flash player. Probably Quicktime