I am trying to create an MPEG from a VOB. I demuxed my vob to a mpv and an mpa using MPEG2VCR. I then use the multiplexer to put the mpv and mpa into a MPEG using MPEG2VCR. I get a final product of an MPEG. The problem is that the final product is an MPEG with no sound when I run it in Windows Media PLayer and Premiere. Any ideas on what im doing wrong?
Install an AC3 decoder? Do you have no audio only on the computer, or also on the burned DVD's? If you really want to convert ac3 to mp2 (I don't see why, when MPEG2VCR has given you the mpa (same thing as mp2), try ffmpeggui. Womble is for editing mpg's, not converting audio.