NEED MIDI Port Driver files for Audigy 2 zs

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by ivymike, Nov 4, 2007.

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  1. ivymike

    ivymike Regular member

    Jan 10, 2005
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    I am looking for two system files...Specifically, the .SYS & the .INF files that control the MIDI Game Port for the Creative Audigy 2 ZS. I have the card on a computer that has VISTA as the operating system and, as there are no official driver package for the MIDI Game Port that has been released for Vista, I may have to do this manually.

    I'm hoping that someone here can supply me with the two files I need. One has the ext. .SYS and will go in the DRIVERS folder in Vista while the other file has the ext. .INF and goes in the INF Folder in Vista.

    This should get that MIDI Game Port working hopefully. I prefer using a Game port as opposed to USB because a joystick with a DB15 connector is more compatible with the old school game ROM's and related emulators.

    IF anyone reading this has or knows where to get these two files please post.

    Mucho Thanks In Advance.
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