@xboxdevil To get what you are looking, visit AfterDawn's sister site: http://forums.blasteroids.com/ It's not as advanced as AfterDawn but it's in the works. You can use your same login information to access that site as well. It has a category for just about every console, PC, MAC and more...you might find what you're looking for and POST if you have info you think the site could use.
Yep, Blasteroids is our gaming site that is currently under heavy development and new version of the forums and the site itself will appear this fall. The aim is to provide a place to talk about games -- not how to backup them
@dRD Lookin' forward to that...this fall is soon. Looks like the staff has been hard at work...much appreciated.
whats up everyone can i just ask one quick question how many forums need to repeat the same dumb question duhhhhhh which is better 360 or ps3 duhhhhhhhh lol
That question has caused many ructions on this forum! Most replies have been based on company specs, with a healthy dollop of speculation on MANY peoples part!