Does anyone else find 'The Simpsons' bubble bath rough on the skin? It makes my skin itch for ages after I get out of the bath. Any suggestions? )
I've been a lifetime Mr. Bubble fan. It gives me sexy-soft skin. You might want to give it a try _X_X_X_X_X_[small] Got Indie? My Movies! Forum rules![/small]
Thanks Neph, I just googled for it, is this a good price?
Maybe youre allergic to it? you should contact you physcian as sonn as possible or you can just swith to this weird japanese orgasmic bubble bath look for it at dis page jejeje
Thanks for the link Maryela3, There are some nice products there. Although I thought the 'Make your own dildo' kit was a tad overpriced.
I found this but it doesn't say how to order.....
All you posh boys with your bubble bath i was brought up on fairy washing up liquid.Tell you something my backside was so clean when i got out you could eat you next meal off it.My mum thought if you could do twice as many dishes it meant twice as many kids as well.