Any recommendations protection software w/c is process light and for gaming pc Like: Anti virus Anti Malware Anti Spyware -add here your personal recommendations.. Note: I need Freeware *** Im currently using *** -Malware Bytes.. -Norton Gaming Edition (Good Protection but got pop-up problem on scan history).. -Autorun remover..
use firefox w/ adblock plus avast! anti virus if you're sick of Norton and Spybot search and destroy for the spyware Get adware incase u get a malware that blocks malware bytes from running
Use sandboxie (free) it will run your browser in a sandbox. This seperates the internet from your hard drive. It beats all the other protection available since any malware/virus that defeat your other protection won't make it to the hard drive unless you decide to let them through. My setup 1. zone alarm firewall (basic) 2. avira free antivirus 3. firefox browser 4. sandboxie This is all I have and it is small and quick, nothing has defeated this protection. If sandboxie is too complicated you can use returnil (also free), it puts your entire c: drive into a virtual environment (sandbox). sandboxie or returnil act as last line of defense, nothing has been able to defeat them when they are enabled.