I would like to buy a stanalone DVD recorder. I am pretty picky when it comes to video quality. If you have experience with these and know of 1 that is proven to be good quality could you please post. I want to record shows and movies that are on TV and than rip the dvd and reauthor it to get rid of commercials. Actually maybe tivo or something would be better for this? I am pretty new to this recordidng stuff from tv so any help would be appreciated. I know all about downloading and burning but nothing on the recording lol. Thanks for any help Rainman45
I have a PHILIPS. Its o.k but if I ever needed to replace it I'd go for a LITEON. They have great reviews mostly and friends have bought with no probs. The quality of recording between recorders is'nt really going to change since the only influences are the quality of the Transmission in the first place and the amount of compression required to fit the recording on a disc. (A dvd will hold one hour of video without compression from such machines - beyond that they all have to compress but the quality only really becomes noticeable beyond a 3 hour recording where you start to go back to VHS type quality) However I have made recording a SIX hour compression level and it looks like a VHS you have watched several times. Regarding editing, most machines will let you edit the contents via the internal software features but in the past I have got rid of adverts on the machine (its actually quicker than P.C method) and then ripped it and deleted the navigation menu the machine gives it and replaced it with my own menu. Enjoy.