Need TMPGEnc Help!!!

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Howser12, Jan 4, 2004.

  1. Howser12

    Howser12 Member

    Oct 12, 2003
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    I was not sure what fourm to put this under since it has sort of lots of problems in 1. If not just move it to the right fourm and tell me.

    Ok I have these .mkv files and since I could not find no one to help me change them to svcd file I gave up on them(if you know how feel free to tell me) and decided to covert them with too .ogm files.
    Heres what I did.

    I used this guide to try to help me with this so you can see were I got this stuff from:

    I used VirtualDubMod to covert them to ogm files. Works good about the same size. So the quality is about the same.

    I took the .ogm and used VirtualDubMod again and took out the audio and saved it as a Demux what makes it as a .ogg file. I have 2 audio file but I am not sure why I would need to put both in at the end since I want only the English.

    Then I took it and I used a program called goldwave to covert the .ogg to a wav file.

    Then I went to and used this program to convert it called EaseAudioConverter to convert it too a mp2 file. I tried this HeadAC3he but it never worked for me I got some weird error.

    Then I took it and used TMPGEnc to try to put it together. But I get an error when I do that.(I am on step 3 of that guide I put up their)
    Here is a picture of the error.


    I have that file by that why what is says it is unable to load.

    In case your wondering I need it too be scvd since my player plays that format. I hope someone can help me been trying for days now.

    Also tell me step by step I am a noob as this. This is my first time trying to burn something to a cd. Let alone one of these 2 formats.

    This is anmie too by the way. Also tell me if you want me to post more screenshot up about something and I will.

    Ps. I hope someone helps me soon I am starting to think this can not be down.

    Last edited: Jan 4, 2004
  2. Howser12

    Howser12 Member

    Oct 12, 2003
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