need to repair xp, asking for password i never put in

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by twisted72, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. twisted72

    twisted72 Member

    Jul 3, 2004
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    My parents computer at work was downloading service pack 2 and an error occurred, so when I went to restart pc, the screen came up with start windows normally, last good configuration, etc. None of those worked so I went to repair xp and it asked for a password. They said they never put one in, so without this "password" i cannot repair xp, therefore they will lose tons of info, anybody run into this before? I called microsoft and they said they couldnt give passwords out over the phone and told me to check out on their website "321305" so if someone knows something please help.
  2. chthomson

    chthomson Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Hi twisted72

    Xp is looking for the Administrators password. When XP is first installed, setup asks for a administrator password (a throwback to NT). I always use the customers last name. You could check with store you purchased the computer from to see if what they use for a password. The other way would be to take another drive - install XP - use the existing drive as a secondary drive to access the data and when recovery is complete format and use as a backup drive

    I hope this helps

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