my bro ejected cdr before clciking on done then the hd started to clucnk and comp slowed right down, i got hw error ..and blue screen,, this casued master filure after reset and when it did work finally the comp was a lot slower ..even though i got a 64bit athlon 1gigmemory any ideas how i can fix this i have removed nero but its still significantly slower esp when loading start up prg's
1. Make sure it isnt a hardware failure. What burning speed were you burning at? Terminating a burn whil doing high speed data transfers is not a good idea 2. Reinstall everything (just to be sure)?
it was at max speed 16x, it did casue a blue screen eventually and the hd was making clunking sounds.. however everything still works now just everything runs a lot slower ..nforce2 athlon/radeon9800 1gigram
Dude, you need to check out this post , sound like your problem I foound it by searching for rip speeds good luck
ok ive tried the reg deletes dunno if its gonna boost my pc..since its not nero thats slow its everything windows booting up. transferring files, games loading etc since nero went mad when my bro took out the cd before clicking on done
If running XP, you might try using system restore and go back to a restore point before the slowdown started.
Hmmmm.... Summat not right here lucky you Hang on! The 64 bit Athlon uses the [bold]nForce3[/bold] chipset, the nForce2 only supports the older 32 bit Athlon..... Also, Praetor asked the reply was Dude!! I didn't know the 16 x Burners had even been developed yet, WOW! where did you get one? Have Fun... _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]