I have NERO exress 6. Can i do what follows, or is there another nero product that would work better? I recently converted some old VHS to DVD using a sony recorder. Each VHS tape was burned on to a separate DVD, many of the recordings are very short. What i would like to do is combine these recordings onto a lesser number of DVD's. I notice that each one of the dvd's has two folders...each contains a number of sub files... example of 1 disk: VIDEO_RM sonata.ifo sonata_debug.ifo video_rm.ifo video_rm.bup video_rm.dat and VIDEO_TS video_ts.ifo video_ts.bup video_ts.vob VTS_01_0.bup VTS_01_0.ifo VTS_01_1.vob VTS_01_2.vob VTS_01_3.vob VTS_01_4.vob VTS_01_5.vob What files do i need to put on the new dvd, and what needs to be on the new dvd to get it to play in a dvd player? Thanks for any replies and direction.
In the 'VIDEO_TS' folder, the files beginning 'VTS_01' indicate that they are all associated with 'Title 1'. Using 'Nero Vision' (not Nero Express) these files can be loaded into the compilation window. If space on the disk permits, the next folder can be opened and the VOB files loaded. Each set of VOB files is treated as a separate 'Title' and is assigned an entry on the DVD menu (if you elect to create one). I mention space requirements, because in general a VOB file on a commercial movie disk is around 1 GB in size and a standard blank DVD is less than 5GB - therefor the more files added - the lower the output quality.