Hello folks, I'm looking for opinions and help here. Also to possibly warn people though my own experience. MUCH earlier this year I bought the Nero 7 Premium Reloaded package, because I was seeking to play CPRM files. I didn't just go buy randomly, I researched it first. After reading the online manual on Showtime 3 that is included in the Nero 7 package, it swayed my decision. It shows in a table of formats that Showtime 3 supports, that CPRM is amongst the other formats (such has WMV, WMA, etc). To my great disappointment, the base Nero 7 package does NOT support CPRM. (After about 10 months of trying to get Nero 7 give me a conclusive answer about this, 10 months of them telling me I need to reinstall because my software/computer/router must be causing problems, which they aren't). It took them 10 months to answer that this package doesn't support CPRM, after giving them my CD keys and every other detail possible, and running 'information' software they sent me to get an analysis of my PC and installation. You have to pay extra for that capability. Now normally I wouldn't be so pissed about the extra charge if I knew it existed upon initial purchase! Does anyone else think this is misleading? I can back up my claims if need be. Additionally, can anyone please suggest software or a codec that will support CPRM, preferably free, as I have had enough of Nero.
I think both WinDVD and PowerDVD do CPRM playback. Usually one or the other comes with most systems. Do you have either installed?
Hmm not installed, but I think I might have an old version somewhere - will have a look. Thanks for the reply