I had some good programs that burned cds and dvds. Then I installed Nero 8 and now they work up to the point of burning. Now they will not even recognize that a disk is in the drive. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
So your saying after installing Nero 8 you can burn with your other apps but after you’ve burned them they show as blank? If so are you sure your not just doing a simulation burn if not that you do finalize the disk after you’ve burned it you didn’t install in cd when installing Nero 8 uninstall it if you did if all else fails just to prove a point uninstall Nero use the clean tool as well from Aheads website and try a burn again what programs are you referring to as well that have stopped working?
Previously to instally Nero 8 I could burn dvds with pinnacle Studio, in windows, I could drag files to cd or dvd drive icons (in My Computer) and they would burn. Now with drag and drop, the wizard starts and goes through all the steps until the point that it does not recognize that there is a disk in the drive and goes no further. Pinnacle just stops when it gets to the point of burning a dvd. Audio cleaner would burn a cd fine, but after installing Nero 8 Ultra it will not recognize a disk in the drive. (I have separate cd and dvd burners, and it has affected both in the same way.) These programs will make files that I can save on the hard drive and then use Nero to burn them. However, this is a hassle and I lose some features (menus on the videos, etc.)
just curious,nero is a burning and authoring program right?so if you dont want to burn with it,uninstall it and use yur other programs.when you installed nero it probably became your default program for burning.personally all ive ever used is nero and have had no problems.
Unless you choose the custom install when you installed Nero and deselected In Cd it’s probably loaded uninstall Nero use the Nero clean tool after you’ve uninstalled it then run the setup again but choose custom and make sure In cd is deselected also don’t install Nero scout waste of time Nero shouldn’t affect your other burning apps
I thought that Scout may have something to do with it. I never thaought about INCD being installed too. I just didn't see any signs of its existence. I used it several years ago, but thaought that it was a thing of the past. Thanks so much I'll try it. It may be several days before I get to do it. Thanks for the help!!!
sounds like something is locked onto the drive not giving exclusive access beit nero or something else tell me does nero do the whole project and burn? if so its something to do with nero. by default nero doesnt install InCD it has an x on it.
Yes, Nero will do the whole burn and I do believe that it is a nero issue. You are also right that Incd is not installed automatically and I don't install it. I think that it is as ALDAN said - that Nero has locked on to it. I wrote to Nero and all they said was that they couldn't help. I like my other programs for authoring and used Nero's photo program and liked it for special projects where I wanted a burning program. I may just get some alternative burning program. Any suggestions?
I’ve got Nero, Roxio, Acoustica, and WinAmp just to name a few have no trouble burning when you install a program during its setup it does try to associate its self with being the default application for opening all file types unless you stop it from doing so but its imposable for it to take control and disable your other applications so if I was you I’d Fu@@ it off if it has?
I know about the association situation. The problem is that programs such as Pinnacle and audio creating programs that I am used to using, can't access the drives to burn what I have created. I know that Nero has a lot of these same features and I could change and use them, but frankly, I like these and I don't want to learn another program. What I ended up doing was Taking Nero off, except for the photo section that I like, and installing Roxio for copying and burning files. Thanks!
i have nero v8 installed (most applications) and i burn with imgburn ok. does roxio have a packetwriting software installed? even window media player grabs a drive if useing it for mp3 say