when making a mp3 cd or mp3 dvd certain mp3 files will not add and nero says they may be added if a dedicated plugin is installed but I have no idea what plugin it refers to. As I have nero 8 ultra it has all the plugins already installed Now here's the twist the same files work in my older edition of nero expess OEM suite and it has no trouble making a mp3 cd/dvd with the same files. What is my new nero 8 missing ??? This has me scratching more than my head. The plugin folders do contain some different dll's but I even tryed adding some of them to no avail Please help shed some light on this thankx for you time
in addition to my orig post as far as I can tell there is no difference between a mp3 file that will work and one that wont other than its name it has all the same attributes- bit rate sample rate-stereo/mono etc. I also see that my first attempt to add more info ended up as a new post**what can I say I'm new here still getting used to this format, i'm getting old not stupid hehehe!
all that shows loaded in control center is nero 8 and all updates are up to date. How do you get the other plugins loaded in here or is it even neccisary. All the plugins seem to be in the plugins directory??
its needed for full useage... yep they are there, just need all serials installed in that panel 8 of them, to use them, need to pay for them... well you wont need all 8 prolly?
******************* lame mp3 encoder and mp3Pro plugins are included with Nero 8 ultra and included with nero licence---I thought--- they are in the plugins directory--do I have to pay to get them again so they will appear in control center or what??I am not sure what LLS plugin is but I'm sure Blue ray and HD DVD & DVD multichannel plugins are irrelivant to my problem. not only that, this mp3 issue is only with nero 8 and wasnt on my nero 6 express that I used to use