I hope I can explain this right. I burn a lot unattended Windows 2000 and Windows XP CDs and when I use Nero in Joliet, Mode 1. When I install the newly burned CD, the install stops because it cannot find a file called example~1.exe because the file is named example_1.exe on the CD. Something like that. When I burn the same install with Roxio in Joliet, Mode 1, it works great, but Roxio burns much slower than Nero for me. Any idea what is happening?
Make sure you also check the "Allow path depth..." and "Allow more than 255..." and "Allow more than 64..."
Thanx guys! I am burning Win2K and XP installs. I copy from the CD to hard disk then slipstream the install with the latest service pack. Once I do and then burn with Nero, I get the error. Praetor, thanx for the suggestions. I will check that out!