Hi, I'm new to nero and have a couple of questions I hope you guys can help with. 1) My soundtrax and wave editor will not open. I have tried downloading/reinstalling, nero tech support (email), and the clean option, but nothing works. I get the same error each time "Wave Editor has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Has anyone ever had this problem? I have never been able to open this application. 2) I want to be able to record just the audio from an MPEG video file, edit the audio (remove clicks & pops), then add the audio back to the MPEG video. I assume this is done with the Wave Editor, but since I can't open that I need to do it some other way. Anyone know how I can do this? Thanks for the help.
It isn't elegant, but it really doesn't take long with freeware. Run Rejig, File Mode. Select the MPEG file then demux both streams to M2V amd MP2 Load MP2 into Audacity, adjust, export as WAV. Use ffmpegGui to convert WAV to MP2 Load WAV and MP2 into IMagoMPEG Muxer and create new MPEG file. Rejig Demux VOB/MPEG to M2V and MP2 http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/rejig.cfm Audacity MP2 -> WAV http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/audacity/audacity-win-1.2.6.exe ffmpegGUI WAV -> MP2 http://www.videohelp.com/tools/ffmpegGUI IMagoMPEG Muxer M2V + MP2 -> MPEG http://www.videohelp.com/tools/ImagoMPEG-Muxer