I use DVD Shrink to back up movies and now that I have a new laptop, I can't set Nero to burn properly. It seems to work, but every few minutes during play back, the movie freezes for a second and then continues on. The specifics: DVD Shrink 3.2 Nero 8 Sorry, I'm a newbie with Nero so any help would be appreciated.
what media are you using and whats your burn speed? using Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim media and burning between 4x and 8x max solves alot of playback problems
not heard of that brand but pretty sure its not quality media. so theres two thing you could try booktype the DVD+R to DVD-ROM for better playback compatible also lower your burn speed to 4x and see if that helps
Yeah the discs were quite cheap. I'll try burning at 4X. Should I be using Nero Express or Nero Burning ROM? Not sure what steps would be the best for either.
nero express or dvd burning rom basically do the same thing so either one is ok. and have you used these blank dvds before and had good results with playback? why i asked is your dvd player may not be compatible with the DVD+R dvds, check your specs to see or as i said booktype them to DVD-ROM
Never had any success with this burner as I just got a new laptop. I'm not much of a techie so I really appreciate your help. I know my home DVD player is +R compatible as I never had problem playing DVDs burned on my old PC. What does it mean to "bookmark to DVD-ROM"?
you might check for a firmware update for the drive also, check here http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php booktyping DVD+R to DVD-ROM makes the dvd more compatible for playback, its makes it the same and as store bought dvd which is DVD-ROM, read more here http://www.k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php http://www.booktypefaq.com/
Booktyping is a great ideea. I only buy DVD+R so I could booktype them. My drive ( a NEC) did not support booktyping, so I flashed it with modified firmware to be able to booktype. In your case though, I am thinking that the player would not recognize the disc at all if the format were the issue. Cheap media also doesn't help. Do you have any other programs running in the back ground(antivirus-spyware stuff), or are you doing anything else on your laptop while Rippin/Convering/Burning? (even searching the internet end such?),anything that would compete for resources? I have had same experience in the past, a one second freeze or so and i learned y lesson: defragment, keep the PC cluster free and NO messing around during burning/recoding. You could also try burning with Imgburn, as nero 8 it is known to be buggy. This way you could eliminate one variable of the problem. And please, buy different discs like ZoSo suggested. Cheers.
Yeah I'm usually doing other stuff during the ripping/burning process. I'll try not doing so and see how it goes.
Well, it appears my problem was with the media I was using. I slipped in some Memorex -R's that I had lying around and they seem to work perfectly. Strange, but I'm not complaining. Wonder if that means ANY -Rs will work?
yeah more than likely the DVD dash R will work but as we said using Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim is your best choice and keep your burn speed at 4x to 8x max. if you get a chance try booktyping the DVD plus R to DVD-ROM and they should playback ok