Nero Backitup partition backup problems

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by jpnilson, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. jpnilson

    jpnilson Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    I created a complete partition backup using Nero Backitup. I now need to use it to restore. Unfortunately I came across a problem. I boot from the first cd, start nrestore, and get the error that all of my potential source media is invalid. After some serious head scratching I can see the trouble. Since I am booting to dos my backup file names have to conform to the standard 8 char name + 3 for the extention. The program creating the backup violated this..example BK_01_101.DAT <==== notice the file name is nine characters long. I had an initial unsuccessful attempt with nero phone tech support. Also have several emails out to tech support. They have written back asking further information but have not sent a response yet.

    My question to the forum is has anyone else experienced this and did you find a solution. Your help would be greatly appreaciated
  2. jpnilson

    jpnilson Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    No one ever responded to my plea for help. I did come up with an anwser which I thought I should post since Im sure there are others who experienced my problem but could not find an anwser. In anycase my original assumption that the file names violated 8+3 char rule were correct. There isn't a version of nero software that supports violating that rule. It looks to me that in their new version they simply changed the file names to be more scalable. So to retrieve the data I changed my file names to make them readable in dos and still comply with their format. Example BK_01_101 became BK_01_99. I copied all of these files to a hard drive made the changes and used a copy of Nero 7.0 partition restore wizard to restore a drive that was of approapriate size(had to buy an extra drive to do this). The restore kicked of and restored 99 0f the 101 files. 60 gig of my 62 gig backup. When I tried to access the newly backed up drive I was informed by my system that the file system was corrupt or damaged. That was a bit deppressing but not unexpected. Rebooting the machine caused checkdisk to run, and run, and run finnaly repairing the drive enough to be readable. Thankfully the data I so desperatley needed was available.

    I don't know if this would work for everyone in my position. I did loose some data. The monetary loss to me had I lost all the data would have been to horrible to imagine.

    Moral of the story. If you use a backup solution test it to make sure it will actually work. I took a far to casual approach thinking I had data stuffed in multiple places and could recover from anything. I found out how wrong I was.

    One final note I would recomend anyone considering using Nero as a backup solution to walk away and walk away fast. In my opinion their software not only has some serious bugs they don't seem to have any interest in addmitting to it. I called the 1.29 a minute support line and the person who anwsered was not familiar with the operation of the product I had some correspondence with there support in Germany. Once I sent them screen shots and all the other information they requested my email went silent. I suspect the reason is they didnt have a good solution for me. The new file naming convention in Nero 7 seems to fix the problem. I guess this will solve their future problems. I would have been pretty forgiving had the been at least responsive to my emails. Like my backup my desire to be their customer has been damaged beyond repair.

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