hi guys im back !! I was down for a while but im back I am using Nero 6 with an I/O magic 8x burner everything has been fine for months NO COASTERS But now all of a sudden my buffer-level is VERY low!!! down to 5%up to 70% and I ALWAYS was at 98%. THis happened once before when I first got the burner so I updated the firmware to 0657 which is what I am running now. PLEASE HELP Thanks in advance
Did your transfer mode get kicked down to PIO for some reason? http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/storage/IDE-DMA.mspx
hey thanx for the reply yeah my secondary is in pio but i followed the steps to change it and it wont change
Secondary optical, I take it? In that case, it may help to uninstall the drive through device manager, reboot, then let Windows find/reinstall the drive.
ok let me try that do i need to flash the drive again? oh and what is seconday optical my burner is the slave